If you want to become a millionaire, think like a millionaire!

If you are reading this article, then you are on a way to your first million. You have the desire, the aspiration and the talent: what more do you need? You have probably heard about the millionaire mindset. As a matter of fact, it does exist! Building a millionaire mindset is the first step to success. In this article you will find out whose examples to follow and how to think differently, with the help of some books.
Choosing the right books and the right authors
In order to choose a book, suitable for current stage of your life, you can do the following:
- Open Amazon, find the list of best books for entrepreneurs. Choose the book, based on reviews, order it, wait for delivery and, finally, start reading. Tips from the article Stop Wasting Your Life Hours Uselessly Reading Business Bestsellers will help you make the reading process more effective.
- Look for the books, recommended by people of influence, who already have a millionaire mindset. For example, Bill Gates often mentions books in his blog, as well as Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk.
- Choose a few leaders, whose opinion you trust the most. Scrutinize their biography, read and watch their interviews, drawing out the most interesting and important moments and integrate them in your plan of success.
- However, all these ways have one significant flaw – the process of choosing the book takes time, which you can spend on learning something new. For this reason, we offer you our catalog of books, already transformed into interactive summaries: Storist for entrepreneurs.

Books on millionaire mindset
Now look at the best books with millionaire mindset secrets.
Principles and principles again!
“Principles: Life and Work” by Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio is an American billionaire investor, founder of one the largest investment companies. He made his first investments at 12 years old. There were no poor decisions in his life since: his investments led to profits and his company’s total assets were estimated at 175 million dollars. In 2015 Bloomberg put Ray Dalio at №18 in the list of the most influential people.

In his 300-page book he describes what has helped him not only to become, but to stay rich. Ray Dalio’s principles will always help you build relationships with your team, partners and clients:
- Give every employee a chance to express his ideas,
- Provide an opportunity to grow according to one’s abilities for the good of the company,
- Analyze the mistakes with your team
- Based on key takeaways, form new working and communicating principles.
Habits, targeted at your effectiveness
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People» by Stephen R. Covey
Stephen Covey was an American consultant on managing your business and your life, as well as a teacher and consultant on organizational management. His book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” was put on the list of the most influential business books by Time Magazine in 2011.

The author answers questions that come up while trying to change your mindset. The book presents an approach that helps you solve personal and professional problems. First you will try the skills that concern your inner world, and then start developing business qualities. There are some of Stephen Covey’s recommendations:
- Be Proactive.
- Begin With the End in Mind.
- Put First Things First: prioritize and achieve your most important goals instead of constantly reacting to urgencies.
- Think Win-Win: collaborate to make both sides win in any situation.
- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.
- Synergize: look for creative and mutually beneficial collaborations.
- «Sharpen the Saw»: don’t put away working on your skills and studying.
If you are ready to take first steps towards effectiveness and distinguish rich vs poor mindset, then start reading this 400-page book.
Ability to sell your idea
“Pitching Ideas” by Jeroen van Geel
Jeroen van Geel is an entrepreneur, co-founder and strategist of one the most successful Dutch companies and an expert in personal branding. Google and WeWork call his book “Pitching Ideas” the most useful work in selling your idea.

Pitching an idea is a part of everyday routine: from discussing your next vacation trip with relatives to convincing your manager and your team about your idea. In this book, you will find reasons why you can’t sell your idea and you will look inside the heads of the people that you have to win over. After the analysis, you will get familiar with dozens of ways of showing how great and genius your idea is. Jeroen will help you in all kinds of situations: from chair spacing in the auditorium to different options of answering tough questions. This is all in 150 pages.

Ability to negotiate
“Everything is negotiable!” by Gavin Kennedy
Gavin Kennedy, the world’s best expert in negotiating, came up with the concept of negotiating process. In the late 90s he started the company, which was focused on teaching the negotiation process to managers from different areas of expertise.

His book “Everything is negotiable!” is the real catch for those who want to conduct negotiations in the right way and to be able to make a deal with any opponent. The author describes elements of the whole process, strategic approaches and tactical methods. Gavin analyzes possible mistakes and misjudgments at the start and provides tasks for practicing his methods. After finishing this 400-page book, you will be able to benefit from any negotiations.
Instead of conclusion
In Storist compilation you have seen not only the best books on millionaire mindset, but also the qualities of a millionaire:
- principles;
- effective habits;
- pitching skills;
- negotiating skills.
However, you don’t have to spend your time on reading those hefty works and drawing out the main ideas from them – we have already done it for you at Storist service for entrepreneurs. You will need just 60 minutes to learn what the book is about, pick up the main ideas and even try yourself out as an entrepreneur, who applies his knowledge in practice and achieves the results.